Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

26508 - Educational Psycology

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26508 - Educational Psycology
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
301 - Degree in Nursery School Education
302 - Degree in Nursery School Education
303 - Degree in Nursery School Education
Second semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

1.1. Introduction

This subject offers the students a first contact with the psychology-related contents that they will have to deal with during their studies. The aim with this subject is for the students to internalise the semantic academic structure reflected in the previous point (point 2.1.), combining it with the semantic experiential structure, that is, with their personal experience.

2.1. Learning goals

The student, to be able to pass the subject, will have to demonstrate the following results:


  1. Describing the different explanatory models of human behavior according to the principal paradigms of scientific Psychology.
  2. Identifying the principal epistemological, methodological and disciplinary problems in Psychology of Education.
  3. Analyzing the personal and interpersonal dimensions involved in the teaching/learning process.
  4. Defining and explaining the principal models of learning and their applications in the classroom.
  5. Understanding and relating the role that the different systems that take part in the educational proccess play: microsystem (school, family and peers), mesosystem, endosystem, macrosystem, chronosystem and globosystem.
  6. Identifying the principal topics of educational orientation in Infant Education.

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. It is based on active participation, case studies, teamwork etc. that favors the development of communicative skills and critical thinking. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as lectures, practical activities, practice sessions, autonomous work, tutorials, and academic guidance.

Further information regarding the course will be provided on the first day of class.

5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes 6 ECTS organized according to:

- Lectures (3  ECTS): 30  hours.

- Practice sessions (2  ECTS): 20 hours.

- Autonomous work ( ECTS): 87 hours.

- Tutorials (1  ECTS): 10  hours.

- Assessment (0,3 ECTS): 3 hours.


Lectures: the professor presents theoretical contents.

Practice sessions: they can involve discussion and presentation of case studies, practical work outside the classroom (field work or visits), and seminars.

Autonomous work: students do tasks such as autonomous study, reading of the course book, preparation of practice sessions and seminars, and summative assignments.

Tutorials: professors' office hours can be used to solved doubts and to follow-up students’ work.

Assessment: final examination

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:


  1. Introduction to Psychology of Education.
  2. Explanatory models of human behaviour according to the principal paradigms of the Scientific Psychology.
  3. Epistemological, methodological and disciplinary problems of Psychology of Education.
  4. Personal and interpersonal dimensions involved in the processes of education/learning.
  5. Principal models of learning and their applications in the classroom.
  6. Principal topics of educational orientation in Infant Education.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

For further details concerning the timetable, classroom and further information regarding this course please refer to the Facultad de Educación de Zaragoza website (; the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales de Teruel  website ( and the Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca (


5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Basic bibliography / BC: Complementary bibliography]


BB Hernández Hernández, Pedro. Educación del pensamiento y de las emociones : psicología de la educación / Pedro Hernández “Guanir“ . Madrid : Narcea, 2005
BB Manual de psicología de la educación / coordinadores, Julio Antonio González-Pienda ... [et al.] . Madrid : Pirámide, D.L. 2010
BB Psicología de la educación aplicada / José Antonio Bueno, Celedonio Castanedo (coordinadores) ; [autores Jesús Beltrán Llera...[et al.] . 2ª ed. Madrid : CCS, 2001
BB Psicología de la educación y del desarrollo en la edad escolar / Eugenio González González, José Antonio Bueno Álvarez (coordinadores) . Madrid : CCS, 2004
BB Santrock, John W.. Psicología de la educación / John W. Santrock ; revisión téncia, Jesús Martín Cordero ; [traducción, Oliva Nuñez Fernández] . 4ª ed. Madrid [etc.] : Mc Graw Hill : UNED, D.L. 2011
BB Woolfolk, Anita E.. Psicología educativa / Anita E. Woolfolk ; traducción, Leticia Esther Pineda Ayala. . 12ª ed. México D.F. [etc.] : Prentice-Hall, 2014
BC Céspedes Calderón, Amanda. Educar las emociones / Amanda Céspedes Calderón . 1ª ed. Barcelona [etc.] : B, 2013
BC Fernández Molina, Milagros. Bienestar psicológico infantil : detección,prevención y optimización en la escuela infantil / Milagros Fernández Molina . [1ª ed.] Madrid : Pirámide, D. L.2015
BC López Cassà , M.J.. Educar las emociones en la infancia : (de 0 a 6 años) : reflexiones y propuestas prácticas / M.J. López Cassà  . Las Rozas (Madrid) : Wolters Kluwer Educación, D. L. 2011
BC Molina Martínez, María José. Educar desde el corazón : cómo trabajar la Educación Emocional con niños / María José Molina Martínez . [1ª ed.] Madrid : CCS, D. L. 2012
BC Pozo Municio, Juan Ignacio. Aprender en tiempos revueltos : la nueva ciencia del aprendizaje / Juan Ignacio Pozo . [1ª ed.] Madrid : Alianza, D. L. 2015